
Welcome to 2nd Grade! We are looking forward to a great year! Please feel free to look around and familiarize yourself with the new 2nd grade website!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Spring Festival Auction Baskets

Spring Festival Auction Baskets Reminder

Classes will be putting together baskets that will be auctioned off at the Spring Festival. 
PTA is asking for students to donate items and the deadline has been extended to Friday, March 28th.

  • Scrimpsher-Sports
  • Reilly and Salazar-All Things Baby
  • Silvas-Sleepover
  • Walpole-Scrapbooking
  • Clay-Car Accessories
  • Folley-Day at the Pool
  • Garza-Arts and Crafts

This has always been a successful fundraising event for WBE.  We need your help and donations to make it great this year!!

Spring Festival

Pringles Needed for Spring Festival

Reminder second grade will be hosting a “Ring the Pringle Can” booth at the
Spring Festival.  We need you to help make it fun!
We are asking second graders to donate regular size
cans of Pringle’s potato chips (the tall can/any flavor) for the booth by
Monday, March 31st.

Thank you for your support of our Spring Festival Fundraiser!

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Our class will be creating an auction basket and helping host a “Ring the Pringle Can” booth at the Spring Festival.  We need your help to make it fun!
We are asking each second grade student to donate one item for the class auction basket if possible and one or more regular size cans of unopened Pringle’s potato chips (the tall can/any flavor) for the booth by
Monday, March 31st.

The Spring Festival is on Saturday, April 12th, from 2pm until 6pm.  Please sign up with PTA if you are able to volunteer to help at the carnival in any way.
Thank you!

pringles chips

Segundo grado creara una canasta para subastarla durante el Festival de primavera con y tendrá un puesto de juego "Ring the Pringle Can". Necesitamos su ayuda para hacerlo divertido.
Estamos pidiendo a cada estudiante de segundo grado una donación de  un artículo para la canasta de la subasta si es posible, y una o más latas de tamaño regular sin abrir de papas fritas Pringles (las latas altas/de cualquier sabor) para el puesto del juego a mas tardar para el día lunes, 31 de marzo.

El Festival de la Primavera es el sábado, 12 de abril, de las 2:00pm a las 6:00pm. Por favor, regístrese con PTA si usted puede ser voluntario para ayudar en el festival.

Here is the March 2014 Newsletter. Please click on the link to access it.

Month of March Saint Patrick's Day

Este es el boletin informativo de marzo del 2014. Dele click en el enlace para poderlo ver.